Add to Pelican - Sitemap and Robots.txt

By Brad Lazaruk, Sun 11 September 2022, modified Sun 11 September 2022, in category Development

GitHub, Netlify, Pelican, Pelican Plugins, Python, Sitemap

Finally with some more time on my hands I fixed up the last bit of the site migration from Wordpress to Pelican: adding the sitemap and robots.txt file.

The robots.txt file was easy, as this is a static file in the first place. Just create the file in /content/extra and on the next build it will be available in the output.

The sitemap is a bit more involved. Fortunately, there’s a plugin for that.

  1. Add the sitemap plugin to your environment.
python -m pip install pelican-sitemap
  1. Update your requirements.txt so the deployments to other environments, like Netlify when this is published, also add the plugin.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Add the configuration of the plugin to file.
    SITEMAP = {
    "format": "xml",
    "priorities": {
        "articles": 0.5,
        "indexes": 0.5,
        "pages": 0.5
    "changefreqs": {
        "articles": "monthly",
        "indexes": "daily",
        "pages": "monthly"
    "exclude": ["tag/", "category/", "author/"]

And … that’s that. Super easy. Pelican is great.